Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fairly quiet this week - maybe life is slipping into a routine - not sure this is good.

It's been mostly business as usual around the hospital this week.  Last night was a bit noisy - they are building a new store room behind the guest house and plan to put a huge water tank on top.  I was a bit worried as the store room has a few openings at the front and is made mud bricks...the water tank will be v heavy.  A collapse and it would be heading straight for my room.  However reinforcement is underway - work with heavy machinery went on until about 9:00pm.  The sun set at 7.00pm and out came the odd lampbulb - I was quite impressed there were no accidents. Spot the hazards......

water tank on the right

It was the physiotherapists last day today, she's got  new job in a government hospital.  It was also the birthday of one of the lab techicians.  We had a little party at the end of the day for them.  Everyone had a soda (bottle of pop) and small cake (bit like sponge/brioche). Happy birthday was sung for Davis and he was made to do a dance.  Then there was a prayer, followed by people standing up and giving messages to the person who was leaving - what they'd liked about working with her and so on.  This was very nice.  The speeches were also quite short so it was lively.  She was also given a small present and did a short thank you speech.

Giving thaks

chilling out in the canteen
There has been some talk of the events in Libya. Uganda is one of the countries that still recognises Gaddafi as leader.  When I saw the news earlier there was a bit about France, Britain, Brazil, China, Russia etc meeting to discuss the situation. No mention of any African leaders nor the fact that African leaders are also meeting to discuss - they would still like to resolve matters using diplomatic means fearing a civil war.  It is interesting to see how the news is reported and plays out in different countries; also interesting is the apparent lack of engagment of African leaders - Gaddafi is after all one of the African elders.

Another week has flown by; need to get some plans sorted for the weekend - they've been on hold as I thought I may have had some time free next week for a bigger trip.  Working on a business case instead.
Halfway through this rate I'll be back before I know it!

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