Monday, August 29, 2011

Well it is supposed to be rainy started raining about 2.30 yesterday and is still going strong with a short respite this morning timed nicely for the 5 min walk to work.  It was raining so hard at one point yesterday it felt as if a river was pouring out of the sky. It seemed to bring the insects out last night - I had to turn the light off in the end as it sounded as if a swarm of insects were trying to break in through the mesh.  I hope the lizard that lives in the window had a good feed!

spotted this morning - chilling out on the
window pane
 A grasshopper managed to get into the house - think he was sheltering out of the rain.  These particular grasshoppers are a delicacy here - they are deepfried and eaten.  Not much meat on one but I bet it tastes like chicken!  Being a veggie I'm not inclined to seek these out to try... they are bright green and about 3 inches long.  I haven't seen one jump....yet.....

last night - newly arrived

Went for a swim on the weekend up to the Mount Elgon Hotel.  There was a great view down into the low land and of Mount Elgon itself.  Saturday was a much warmer and sunnier day than yesterday so it was nice to get into the outdoor pool. I also had it all to myself too.  By the time I'd come back to the pool area after a massage (v nice) the pool had filled up with kids - so I think I timed it well!

Just found out we have a public holiday this week to celebrate the end of Ramadan.  That makes up for working on Bank Holiday Monday!  Even though Uganda isn't an Islamic country it is one of the most popular religions here.  In Uganda most people are Christian and keenly practice their religion - however other key religions are recognised hence the day off for Eid ul Fitr.  There are quite a few Muslims in Mbale - there is an Islamic University here and a few mosques.

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