Rained a bit over night and this morning so the temperature dropped - I wasn't expecting to have to wear my cardigan over here!
Found out a bit more about the little boy with the tumour who featured in yesterdays update. He's 7, I'd been told he'd had surgery to remove the tumour but it turns out this isn't the case, he's had some surgery previously and is in for another op today, they will be unlikely to remove the tumour due to it's location. Also bumped into Olivia again today as I walked around the hospital - still all smiles - she's having her op later.
Spent some time in the intensive care unit eariler this is where patients come after surgery. Then went to see the CT scanner in action - there was a bit of a drama as a private adult patient had had a scan and apparently paid the money (approx US$100) to some random person, some consternation arose - was it a trick - had they been duped- what would happen - should they have the copy of the scan without having paid for it.......it was the talk of the canteen and most people had a view. This would be a sizable sum of money and not something that someone could likely afford to pay twice. General consensus was that this was a scam but of course no one knows the truth of the matter. It seems the patient would not have been able to get a scan in the public hospital so had to go private if it was to be done. It was interesting to see the CT scanner in action, particularly the brain scans as they came up on the screen - it was possible to see the different hydrocephalus cases, the size of the problem and so on.
UK riots have been a topic of discussion at tea break - some surprise and questionning to understand why they have started. Wondering how this will end...
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