Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Well it has rained and rained since the weekend, some say they haven't seen rain like if for some time.  Unfortunately around some parts of Mount Elgon the rain has had disasterous effects.

view from indoors!
 A mudslide has occurred in the Bulambuli district, at least 26 people have been killed and 22 houses are buried.  There was a terrible picture in the paper of a woman up to her knees in mud trying to dig with her bare hands as her children had been buried by the slide.  Earlier this year there was a similar event but killing 350 people.   Much of this is believed to be due to deforestation and encroachment, the chopping down of trees has left land subject to landslides and people are setting up home on high slopes.  Apparently the government was warned of a looming landslide and failed to act until after the event.  But not to worry, Cabinet has approved a policy on 'disaster' which is awaiting implementation (!!)

I suspect that there has also been floods in some areas and that many roads have become impassable as they've turned to mud. Maybe this is covered by the disaster policy too.......

Many crops are also being destroyed by the rains - this will have a big impact on those who rely on crops for their livelihoods and will also mean that there is less food available in local markets.

I ran the gauntlet of the local market today.  It's a pubic holiday today to celebrate the end of Ramadan; there were many people dressed up in their finery all around the town, the women were very colourful and the men were mostly dressed in white (I wish I knew their secret for bright whites - mine are all turning brown).  The market was fairly busy - loads of chickens which are fairly docile (which is why I always think they are dead)- I'm not sure why they don't run around causing havoc, some were in cages but most were just dumped in the car parking area.  Will need to try to find out.  I also realised at one point that I had a load of street kids tailing me - I felt like the Pied Piper!

A number of people have asked me about food.  I think it's quite well established by now that I mostly eat rice and beans.  However it is possible to buy most things in the shops so I tend to eat similar sorts of things that I might have at home.  There's a smaller range of fruit and veg because everything is seasonal - the quality is also variable so it pays to shop around a bit.  But I've discovered a Cadbury's coconut and cashew choc bar is very tasty!!

Unusual article in the newspaer today - Zimbabwe has done a lot to reduce HIV transmission rates and has seen some good results.  It seems a South African study has shown that circumcision reduces the risk of transmitting HIV by 60% - so the Cabinet Ministers in Zimbabwe have decided all men should be circumcised and that they will lead the way setting an example!!  Mind you I think this could be counter productive as people may think it's safer and take less precautions....

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