Short update today.
Just been looking at the BBC news online - it featured the Zimbabwe circumcision story that I mentioned in my last update. A bit of a different story reported by the BBC, it said that the Deputy PM had called on members to have the procedure - and that a number of (male) MPs are not keen. It turns out that the Deputy PM is a woman! ha ha ha
Further update to last blog. Have also discovered why chickens seem so docile and don't run around causing havoc - their legs are tied together. Simple.
Another hospital drama here today. Third so far. It's the same the world over I think, you hear a bit of a story, then a bit more, then something else and it takes on a life of its own. However unfortunately the drama seems to have got more serious as the day has progressed. I warn you in advance, it's not a nice situation - but then dramas here rarely are, but gives an idea of what life can be like for people here and the challenges they face. A woman and her new born were admitted to hospital a couple of days ago and the baby was successfully operated on yesterday (spina bifida - for those who don't know much about it, it's a birth defect where the backbone and spinal canal don't fuse properly - often there is a lump on the spine with an open wound - there can be some strong reactions to this in communities - blaming the mother for being bad, or unfaithful to her husband or saying that the baby is possessed by an evil spirit). The drama this morning was that the mother had abandonned the baby and tried to escape from the hospital. She was caught, brought back and was couselled. This afternoon a second escape attempt was made (again leaving the baby) - I think her husband also turned up - this time she tried to climb over the fence. No small feat, it is quite high - metal - covered mostly by bushes, she must have scratched herself quite a bit. In the end she was discharged with the child. The mother was obviously distressed and must have been in a lot of anguish. This all rippled through the hospital - it is small enough for people to have an idea that something is going on and word soon gets about. Unfortunately, the situation appears to be even more serious, the baby is HIV+, so the mother is too - she wasn't previously aware; she also tried to throw herself under a car during this morning's escape. What an absolutely tragic situation.
On another note, public sector workers worried about their pensions should be glad they are not working in Uganda. It has been reported that the President would like to 'borrow' some money -300bn shillings - (£1=Ssh4800) from their pension savings to pay for a new parliament chamber.........
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